Mensa BBZW Emmen
In our world everything centres on food. Our credo “we love food” stands for our enthusiasm and passion for everything we do.
We cook an authentic cuisine, without much frippery but prepared freshly on site every day – because homemade tastes best! We cook with seasonal and local products. We cook them creatively with love and are inspired by the many cuisines our world has to offer.

Dishes from Graubünden
In this promotion, we focus on the canton of Graubünden, which not only captivates with its breathtaking landscapes but also offers a variety of delicious dishes, such as Pizzoccheri, Maluns, and many other specialties.

Dish from Bern, 5 March
On 5 March, there will be a hearty Bernese platter with various types of meat and sausages as well as side dishes.

Acts of Green,
Donnerstag, 27. Februar
Zum heuten Acts of Green Tag dreht sich alles um das Thema Klima. Hast du zum Beispiel gewusst, dass Lebensmittel für 1/3 aller Treibhausgase verantwortlich sind?! Mit einer nachhaltigen Ernährung können wir dies also enorm beeinflussen. Ganz genau darum gibt es am 27. Februar bei uns einen Burger mit einem BIO Patty von Luya. Mehr dazu mit einem Klick aufs Plus.
Acts of Green, Klima
Grün ist unsere Lieblingsfarbe – und das nicht nur auf dem Teller. Seit vielen Jahren leisten wir mit vielen einzelnen Taten einen Beitrag für eine nachhaltigere Welt. Ganz nach dem Motto: «Start small, grow tall» geben wir mit «Acts of Green» Tipps, wie man mit kleinen Taten der Umwelt Gutes tun kann.
Warum ist unser Burger nachhaltig? Ganz einfach, die Zutaten sind saisonal und kommen aus der Region. Das Patty wird von dem Berner Unternehmen Luya upcycled. Es besteht aus Okara. Okara entsteht in der Tofuproduktion und landet leider normalerweise auf dem Kompost. Dank Luya wird es nun als Produkt weiterverwendet. Das unterstützen wir natürlich!

Mensa Emmen
Wish a dish
Have you been wishing for your favourite dish for a long time? Then request it here with us. Send us your menu request (perhaps directly with a recipe). Click on the plus sign for your favourite dish.
Wish a dish
Send us your favourite recipe or desired dish here. We will check the recipe request and if everything fits, we will cook it for you in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out on the menu plan.

Eldora on Instagram
You can also find delicious recipes and more about our promotions on our Instagram page. Take a look and follow us to stay up to date.
Menuplan Mensa BBZW Emmen
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- all
- vegetarian
- vegan
- Click & Collect
- Filter allergens
Beef Cevapcici
Herb gravy
Couscous with vegetables
Roasted cauliflowerCevapcici (beef): Switzerland
- CHF 10.00
- ca. 662.2 kcal/ACFO
Menu information
Beef Cevapcici
Herb gravy
Couscous with vegetables
Roasted cauliflower
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French friesBread: Switzerland, Chicken: Switzerland
- CHF 12.00
- ca. 996.4 kcal/AG
Menu information
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Raspberry mousse
- CHF 2.00
- ca. 93.8 kcal/G
Menu information
Raspberry mousse
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Sliced chicken with root vegetables
Rosemary sauce
Brussels sproutsChicken: Switzerland
- CHF 10.00
- ca. 672.1 kcal/ALO
Menu information
Sliced chicken with root vegetables
Rosemary sauce
Brussels sprouts
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French friesBread: Switzerland, Chicken: Switzerland
- CHF 12.00
- ca. 996.4 kcal/AG
Menu information
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Mini brownieBrownie: France
- CHF 2.00
- ca. 287.4 kcal/ACHF
Menu information
Mini brownie
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Graubünden cabbage pizokel with bacon and fried onions
Kohlrabi and apple saladBacon (pork): Switzerland
- CHF 10.00
- ca. 867.3 kcal/ACGMO
Menu information
Graubünden cabbage pizokel with bacon and fried onions
Kohlrabi and apple salad
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French friesBread: Switzerland, Chicken: Switzerland
- CHF 12.00
- ca. 996.4 kcal/AG
Menu information
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Caramel flan
- CHF 2.00
- ca. 131.1 kcal/G
Menu information
Caramel flan
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Viennese pork schnitzel
Fried potatoes
Steamed carrotsPork: Switzerland
- CHF 10.00
- ca. 672.6 kcal/ACO
Menu information
Viennese pork schnitzel
Fried potatoes
Steamed carrots
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French friesBread: Switzerland, Chicken: Switzerland
- CHF 12.00
- ca. 996.4 kcal/AG
Menu information
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Chocolate mousse
- CHF 2.00
- ca. 300.1 kcal/CG
Menu information
Chocolate mousse
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Fried white trout fillet
Creamy dill sauce
Tomato rice
Creamed spinachTrout: Italy
- CHF 10.00
- ca. 760.0 kcal/ADGO
Menu information
Fried white trout fillet
Creamy dill sauce
Tomato rice
Creamed spinach
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French friesBread: Switzerland, Chicken: Switzerland
- CHF 12.00
- ca. 996.4 kcal/AG
Menu information
Chicken kebab
Yoghurt sauce with chives
sambal oelek
Carrot and cabbage strips
Iceberg lettuce and onions
French fries
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Dessert of the day
- CHF 2.00
- /AG
Menu information
Dessert of the day
Our dishes are prepared daily in kitchens where various allergenic substances are present. Despite all precautionary measures, we cannot completely exclude the presence of an allergen due to cross-contamination.
Jeden Mittag einfach gut essen. Ob ein herzhaftes Fleischmenu, ein aromatisches vegetarisches Gericht oder unsere grosse Auswahl an frischen saisonalen Salaten, bei uns hat Hunger keine Chance.
Maestro, Mastercard, Visa, Postcard, Bar, TWINT
Opening hours
Montag bis Freitag: 07.30 bis 16.00 Uhr
Mittagsservice: 11.30 bis 13.00 Uhr
Open to public

Frisch, überraschend und liebevoll zubereitet - Wir organisieren das kulinarische Highlight für Ihren Event. Ob Lehrerzimmer-Pausen-Verpflegung, Apéro oder Geburtstagsfest, wir stehen Ihnen als starker Catering-Partner zur Seite. Vom kleinen Häppchen bis zum süssen Finale verwöhnen wir Sie und Ihre Gäste mit kreativen und leckeren Köstlichkeiten.
Passion and enthusiasm stand for everything we do. We have turned our passion for food into our profession.
Mehr über Eldora

Promotionen 2025
Von Street Food, Smart Eating bis zu Acts of Green: Unsere Promotionswochen im 2025.

Alle Rezepte unserer Smart Eating und Acts of Green-Promotionen zum Nachkochen finden Sie hier.
Robin Fraser
Email: 9336-grt (at)
T +41 41 469 41 33
M +41 79 236 89 85
Eldora AG
Mensa BBZW Emmen
Oberhofstrasse 45
6020 Emmenbrücke